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Hello, welcome to my blog! If you like theatre and music, and some things inbetween, then this is the place to be! Here you will find reviews of shows and gigs that I've been to recently in the Cornwall & Devon area, & sometimes from further afield too- London, Bristol, Cardiff and the like; wherever my travels and adventures take me! I hope you enjoy reading "Bravo!Rock&Roll"- if you do, please share it with your friends!

Thank you for taking the time, Kathryn :)

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Wonderful Town: Theatre Royal Plymouth, 26th June 2012

What a wonderful town Plymouth is, especially now that Wonderful Town has rolled into the Theatre Royal.

This is an upbeat, brilliantly entertaining, fun show, that has you tapping your toes, clapping your hands and laughing out loud.

Admittedly, the plot is a little loose,- fluffy, if you will; but that's half the charm. As one audience member put it: "The storyline has as much depth as the veneer on plywood" but, he continued:
"it doesn't matter, it's thoroughly entertaining, a consummate performance- oh yes, it's great"; and I agree!

Set in 1935 in Greenwich Village, New York- two sisters Ruth (Connie Fisher) and Eileen (Lucy Van Gasse) arrive from Ohio in search of work, new lives and escaping the constraints of a small town. They meet a myriad of folk with wide-eyed optimism about the future; the frenetic, sharp opener Christopher Street illustrates this as the Tour Guide sings "life is sweet, some interesting people on Christopher Street"- as the girls encounter an eclectic array of characters ranging from an artist to a football player to a Hare Krishna devotee.

The two sisters have completely different personalities that lead them to interacting with different people and situations, and we are taken on a uplifting musical journey as they try to settle into the neighbourhood, looking for work and love.

Connie Fisher as the apparently more reserved and inhibited Ruth, sings a variety of slow and faster-paced numbers wonderfully with aplomb, and is full of slap-stick genius- presenting the perfect balance between submergence in her role and forthcoming entertaining swagger /stage presence. Lucy Van Gasse adeptly showcases her interesting and distinctive tone of voice as the more attractive, ditzy sister Eileen.

Newspaper Editor and Ruth's love interest Bob Baker (Michael Xavier), has a natural, relaxed voice and stage presence, and delivers very powerful impressive vocals at various points throughout the show; whilst Frank Lippencott ( Haydn Oakley) provides a comedic, endearing performance as one of Eileen's many suitors, that is slightly evocative of a Jerry Lewis film character with a dash of 'Pee Wee Herman' thrown in for good measure. Nic Greenshields is great as '"Noy Yawker" 'Wreck Loomis' - a neighbour and American Football player; and shines in his energetic, funny, catchy, solo number 'Pass the Football'.

Every song and routine stands out in its own way- from the sweet homesick lament of Ohio; the rather touching performance A Quiet Girl; to rousing zingy, zany numbers such as the Irish-themed My Darlin' Eileen; and the amazing, energetic 1st-half closer Conga! - that will have you dancing in the aisles!

Special attention must be paid to the superb, exquisite direction and choreography- from full-cast big dance numbers (including lifts & aerial/acrobatic stunts); to the simulation of Eileen & Ruth getting dressed for the day, and hopping on and off the jam-packed New York Subway. The latter is executed with the rest of the company physically making up the background of the scenes and helping to seamlessly move the lead performers into various positions and settings, along with the props; therefore accurately creating atmosphere and physicality of each setting.

The set is made up of imposing Art-Deco clean lines-meets neon-central, & this fully conveys the air of the lively city, and the mood and design of the era, with excellent finesse.

This is a great, fun, thoroughly enjoyable show. Everybody Conga!

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