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Hello, welcome to my blog! If you like theatre and music, and some things inbetween, then this is the place to be! Here you will find reviews of shows and gigs that I've been to recently in the Cornwall & Devon area, & sometimes from further afield too- London, Bristol, Cardiff and the like; wherever my travels and adventures take me! I hope you enjoy reading "Bravo!Rock&Roll"- if you do, please share it with your friends!

Thank you for taking the time, Kathryn :)

Tuesday 15 April 2014

You Me At Six: Plymouth Pavilions, 2nd April 2014. GIG REVIEW

In a tremendous, triumphant return to Plymouth, You Me At Six- to quote a now familiar phrase- 'knocked it out of the park'! Over the course of a vibrant hour and a half, tonight's Youth tour tracklisting encompassed fifteen powerful gems covering the band's 3 most recent album releases, which had the audience hooked as the band fervently attacked every honed number. Every pulsating rocking beat, energised guitar riff, and captivating, compelling pitch-perfect vocal rocked and completely brought the house down.

Last seen in this neck of the woods supporting American alternative rock band 30 Seconds to Mars, it was time for this British band to shine in the limelight and take centre stage. After more than 8 years of hard graft, 4 albums and countless touring dates, this was THEIR night, and so thoroughly deserved.

During the course of the hi-energy, engaging, enjoyable night, a sterling set-list was offered up in which nearly every song was warmly familiar, without veering into predictability.
Photo credit: Kathryn M. Bartlett

From a frenetic Fresh Start Fever, soaring Stay With Me, and melodic sweet current single Cold Night; to, as lead singer Josh put it- our, the crowd's, song: - the air-punching, grin-inducing and insanely lively, Underdog.

En masse-popular tracks executed with veracity kept the atmosphere gritty, and full of favourable and wholly appreciated down-to-earth realism.

Photo credit: Kathryn M. Bartlett

A night of energy, passion and artistic detail, coupled with engaging brief interludes of jovial banter from charming frontman Josh Franceschi- full of genuine touching and refreshing humility and gratitude to the assembled masses, was true testament to the band's tangible connection with the audience and an insight into what keeps this long-serving, yet blossoming, five-piece's fans loyal.

An engulfing electrifying night culminated in an encore that included amazing, crazy, circle-pit moshy, pounding audience-anthem Bite My Lip before the final song from current album Cavalier Youth, a thoroughly exhilarating rendition of the intoxicating talisman track Lived A Lie.

If they weren't before, everyone left this gig, a dreamer for life.

Photo credit: Kathryn M. Bartlett
Too young to feel this old
Fresh start fever
Stay with me
The swarm
Little death
Lover boy
Forgive and forget
Room to breathe
Liquid confidence
Cold night
Wild ones


Bite my lip
Lived a lie

Links: https://www.plymouthpavilions.com/Online/  http://www.youmeatsix.co.uk/