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Hello, welcome to my blog! If you like theatre and music, and some things inbetween, then this is the place to be! Here you will find reviews of shows and gigs that I've been to recently in the Cornwall & Devon area, & sometimes from further afield too- London, Bristol, Cardiff and the like; wherever my travels and adventures take me! I hope you enjoy reading "Bravo!Rock&Roll"- if you do, please share it with your friends!

Thank you for taking the time, Kathryn :)

Monday 25 November 2013

30 Seconds To Mars: Plymouth Pavilions 22nd November 2013. GIG REVIEW

Gig review

Photo: Kathryn M. Bartlett

Photo: Kathryn M. Bartlett
Sometimes too often these days, the word, 'epic', is somewhat over- or mis- used: however, when describing 30 Seconds To Mars' sublime,
forever-memorable show at Plymouth Pavilions last Friday; it is not.


Photo: Kathryn M. Bartlett

Support band You Me At Six, magnificently opened with an audience-rousing set, that in an enjoyable, energised 45mins included well-known crowd-pleasing singles 'Stay With Me','Bite My Tongue', and the pogo-tastic 'Underdog'; leaving the assembled masses suitably amped for the headliners.    

Photo: Kathryn M. Bartlett

As Jared, Shannon & Tomo aka 30 Seconds To Mars commandingly took to the stage, the crowd went wild. The atmosphere: simply electric.

Photo: Kathryn M. Bartlett

The impressive punchy set-list, was a mixture of tracks from recent album Love Lust Faith & Dreams with a few classics peppered inbetween. 
Photo: Kathryn M. Bartlett
A ridiculously amazing, cohesive set, that included 'Do Or Die', 'Closer To The Edge', 'Kings And Queens' and a special bonus on this night just for Plymouth: 'Vox Populi' (A Call To Arms), kept the senses wired and alert throughout; and was edgy, mesmerising and without doubt, rockin'.

Brilliant lighting effects, captivating artistic video-screen footage, giant multi-coloured balloons, and confetti-cannons added a myriad of extra excitement to the already fun, frenzied flavour.

Photo: Kathryn M. Bartlett
30STM as a whole were outstanding. Cool, aloof, Tomo provided unassuming, exact bass & keys, whilst Shannon's amazing accomplished drumming
Photo: Kathryn M. Bartlett
was a show in itself; but it was
charismatic frontman Jared that had everyone in the palm of his hand, and rightly so. His enigmatic beautiful soulful personality, genuine showmanship and limitless talent was wholly engulfing and entrancing- not least in his solo-acoustic section where, laid-bare, he exuded raw ability in the majestic 'From Yesterday', and transcendental anthem 'The Kill'.

Photo: Sarah L. Bartlett

Photo: Kathryn M. Bartlett

Photo: Kathryn M. Bartlett
Photo: Kathryn M. Bartlett

In an electrifying night where Jared fully engaged with the lively crowd, the encouraged audience-participation was much more than just that- it was a chance to be part of it all- part of the experience; part of the band; part of the Echelon family.

Photo: Kathryn M. Bartlett

Links: 30 Seconds To Mars , jaredleto.com , You Me At Six , Plymouth Pavilions