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Friday 7 December 2012

Radio Times The Musical: Theatre Royal Plymouth, 3rd December 2012

The song "Hey Little Hen" is playing in my head, bringing a big smile to my face as it does so; - that can only mean one thing- the Watermill Theatre's touring production of Noel Gay's Radio Times The Musical is a joyous, overtly enjoyable and unforgettable show, that leaves you uplifted and chock-full of delightful, warm, entertaining memories.

The show is set within Piccadilly's Criterion Theatre during 1940's war-torn London. As an audience, we initially view the cast of the radio show Variety Bandwagon finding and rehearsing material for their imminent 'on-air' programme and their comedic antics as they endeavour to dodge strict BBC content & licensing policies and the wrath of BBC producer Heathcliffe Bultitude (John Conroy). We then assume our role as the 'real' audience to the 'actual' transmission of the radio broadcast- complete with a brief 'breaking the fourth-wall' to an audience member and our amusing participation in following the commands of the applause prompt cards that pre-empt each performer's on-stage entrance and exit.

Gary Wilmot in full swing as Sammy Shaw.  Photo credit: Robert Day

Against this backdrop, in part, is the poignancy of the war-stricken time. Alongside are the stories of gadabout Sammy "I'm doing it" Shaw (Gary Wilmot) and his somewhat neglected girlfriend Olive James (Sara Crowe); the, at first, unrequited love of shy, skillful foley artist Jeeps, (fantastically played by Christian Edwards), for lead ensemble-lady, Amy Chapman (Vivien Carter); the emergence of Olive's old-flame, film-star Gary String (Michael Hobbs) and many 'off-stage' laugh-out-loud jolly japes and humorous puns, that stay just on the right side of cheesiness, tickle every rib and keep you chuckling and easily beaming throughout. 

Wilmot is the perfect showman, the epitome of charm, charisma, talent and exact, yet natural, comic timing.

Wilf (Ben Fox) is totally in sync' as Sammy's right hand man and often other half to his witty banter, helping to deliver believable one-liners and punchlines, that however occasionally predictable, will have you rolling in the aisles.

Radio Times The Musical cast.  Photo credit: Robert Day

Not to overlook the rest of the players- this is a cast truly worthy of name-checking each and every member. Swiftly & seamlessly moving from one guise and stage-position to another- not only do the whole cast act, sing and dance wonderfully, with convincing and pleasing character portrayals; they are extremely multi-talented and versatile as they superbly provide all the musical accompaniment whilst on-stage too. Whether in fabulous, amazing, synchronised ukulele or kazoo playing (!); or from drums to clarinet, piano to saxophone.
   The calibre of the latter, along with excellent sound production, creates a wonderful rich, 'big band' sound, in which every facet, musical note, and instrument has clarity & impressive audibility, and only adds a further dimension to the already hugely enjoyable show. This cast hit all the targets; definitely 'triple-threats' and then some!

The simplistic set of the period radio sound-stage is honest and credible, and lighting is on-the-ball: atmospheric and unobtrusive, but accurate; even from a distance the actors' features are clear & crisp.

Although overall a simple narrative, the show is bursting at the seams with high velocity, punchy, all-round brilliant entertainment, sing-along catchy songs, some crazy-but-fun, off-the-wall lunacy thrown in for good measure; and a complete consummate, professional cast overflowing with genuine star quality.

If you haven't heard of the show before- do not worry. If you haven't heard of the songs- do not worry. As soon as you step into the world of Radio Times The Musical, it becomes an instant, well-loved, familiar favourite, that will keep you smiling and laughing insanely for weeks.

Book by: Abi Grant & Alex Armitage
Music: Noel Gay
Choreographer: Alistair David
Musical Director and Musical Arranger: Paul Herbert
Director: Caroline Leslie

Please visit Theatre Royal Plymouth , Radio Times The Musical or Watermill Theatre for more information.

Review originally written for The Public Reviews