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Hello, welcome to my blog! If you like theatre and music, and some things inbetween, then this is the place to be! Here you will find reviews of shows and gigs that I've been to recently in the Cornwall & Devon area, & sometimes from further afield too- London, Bristol, Cardiff and the like; wherever my travels and adventures take me! I hope you enjoy reading "Bravo!Rock&Roll"- if you do, please share it with your friends!

Thank you for taking the time, Kathryn :)

Thursday 29 May 2008

Even Nine (Interview): May 2008

Nine Lives!

Band Interview

Photo Credit: Kathryn M. Bartlett

If you haven’t already heard of prominent local band Even Nine, you soon will. Based primarily in the Camborne area, Even Nine-consisting of drummer Brett Stepto, bassist Greg Godding and brothers Rick and Jody Martin (lead guitar & lead vocals respectively); have racked up a solid number of gigs in the past few years, and have gathered a formidable fan base; both locally and nationally. On the brink of launching their highly anticipated, first full-length album, I caught up with the band for a jovial chat...

KB: “How and where did you meet?”

BS: “2001, a friend of mine who worked with Jody..”

RM: “I’ve known Jody since I was about two really; I’ve known him all his life!”

JM: “Met Brett in 2001 & Greg in 2005.”

RM: “We were introduced to Brett and we wrote and jammed and things, got out and did a few gigs, then we met Greg.”

GG: “In 2005.”

It seems in talking to the band, that although the trio of Jody, Brett and Rick had enjoyed success previously (including the release of a warmly-received EP); it wasn’t until Greg joined the band that the guys really gelled as a whole and everything ‘clicked’; the band agree that this was one of the high points in their history.

KB: “Can you describe your sound?”

GG: “Wildhearts with a softer edge.”

RM: “Some people do compare us to the Goo Goo Dolls & the Foo Fighters. Rocky, energetic stuff with melody and feeling.”

JM: “Yeah, we’re more Foo Fighters.”

KB: “Who writes the songs, or is it a joint effort?”

RM: “Jody and I usually come together with most of the ideas and then we put it together as a band and arrange it as a band; and generally at the moment, I tend to write more of the words and Jody writes more of the melody, so the opposite way round to what people think.”

GG: “Can I just add something, me and Brett do write our own parts; just wanna throw that in there!”

With musical influences en mass, that range from Matchbox Twenty, Bon Jovi, & Counting Crows, & other rock including Metallica and Slayer; to artists such as Steve Ray Vaughn & Grand Funk Railroad; to all sorts of blues, jazz, classical music; I wondered what we can expect from the new CD- tentatively titled either “Ignition” or ”The Difference Between” (but hey, these are just ideas the band are toying with).

RM: “The whole aim with this one is to capture more of the energy and the sound we have live.”

Photo appears courtesy of Les Linyard
GG: “There’s not a song that we’re not proud of, either recording, or adding parts to...we’re really, really proud of it.”

BS: “What I’m proud of about the album, is that it really does take you on an emotional journey.”

JM: “Any recording captures a moment in time and when that time’s past, there’ll always be something that you’d wish you’d done differently looking back; but at that time, it’s what we were feeling.”

On this record there are many new avenues explored -different tunings etc used in the recording; and Rick and Greg are doing backing vocals, which hasn’t been done before, amongst other new ideas, so really it is a bit of a new direction for the band; whilst still not alienating their loyal following.

With achievements ranging from supporting Thunder on a couple of dates of their recent national tour; playing at the “Rock Meets Blues” festival at Lanhydrock House, Bodmin in front of 10,000 people; & playing in Covent Garden, London at a special event; to nonetheless still important & fun, small pub gigs in the middle of nowhere all over the country; it is important that the band are simply being together, playing as a band, as they are all with their best mates. The chemistry between all the guys on a personal level is clearly evident, and throughout the interview I was surrounded by entertaining & amusing banter and witticisms. This is carried through to the electric atmosphere, amidst true ability & professionalism, that is present on stage, at any one of their compelling, energized gigs.

The band aspire to a time when they can make a living from doing this - make a living doing what they love; which they wouldn’t want to do with anyone else, than who they are with now. It seems that Even Nine are right on track to fulfil their hopes, and with the release of their album due for the end of June; along with many upcoming gigs, their success will undoubtedly continue and grow.